
Chaîne des Rôtisseurs

Bailliage d’Anchorage, Alaska

Bailliage d’Anchorage, Alaska

Savor the Flavor!

The Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is the oldest and largest food and wine society in the world. Our society is vintage, but our events are cutting edge! The chapter in the United States is now in its 54th year with about 6,000 gourmets, gastronomes, chefs, restaurateurs, hoteliers, oenologists, winery owners, sommeliers, food and wine educators, and others interested in the finest of dining and life experiences and enjoying the camaraderie of friends at dinners and events. The tradition of the royal guild of goose roasters of 1248 was revived in Paris in 1950, and we now carry on those traditions. Membership is obtained through sponsorship by existing members.

For professional members such as chefs, restaurateurs, and hoteliers, the Chaîne offers opportunities to demonstrate their exceptional skills, talents, and creativity to a discerning, learned, and appreciative audience.
